Hi. I'm LittleMoo (aka Sioux 'moo' Breen), a professional faceup artist most recently associated with the ground-breaking toy company Makielab and the campaign group Toy Like Me
Coming from a background in the resin ball jointed doll hobby and with a perpetual love of making, I hope to bring my creations and related aesthetics for all dolls here, to my portal on the web.
From faceups to fashion. For enthusiasts both young and old.
Who knows what could be coming next.
The projects I've done and the people whose paths I've crossed have made my travels through the world of dolls, crafts and toys a fascinating and immensely enjoyable one!
I hope you'll follow me on my journey and find some inspiration for your own creations too! Nov.'14
Stay tuned :)
~ Littlemoo x
Latest updates:
It is now late 2021 and, really, "who knew what could be coming next"...
Trying to ignore the fact that the world is bonkers, I've finally been in a position to catch up with my Littlemoo life (as I've had my own health dramas to deal with since my last visible doll presence in 2018). I haven't stopped creating though, and I've had a number of commissions over my social media break, but at this point, my latest endeavour is to host a little shop on my own website (rather than a third party host), so I will post updates on social media as-and-when things happen! Oct '21
Latest update:
Online life has had other plans for me (like not being online much at all!) but I still doll when asked, if I can, and still have Makie's and accessories to sell which you can ask about directly through the contact form here. Maybe even some bjd's, Blythe and other collector dolls if I have a clearout. My online shop will come down on May 4th '25, and my site will revert back to a contact/gallery hub.
Thank you for your continued support and, as always,
Stay tuned
~ Littlemoo x